Ok this is a rant, if you looking for info and helpfull stuff then check the previous post on my addons.
This is a pure, paying customer is pissed off entry into this blog of mine.
Levelling in WOW is great fun and most new players are engrossed by this huge world which has been painstakingly created to be as amazing as it can be in terms of Aesthetics and interaction.
Now from experience I can say that I have found myself lost in this world many times, playing for must longer as I planned by searching for this special item or running around in this maze of an instance.
So I hit 60 a few days ago, meaning finally being able to get some good gear in terms of socketed gear and Tier Armors, but I was sadly mistaken on the latter.
Now blizzard has thought of after many complaints about allowing players who have levelled all the way to 80 to start any alt toon at a hight level than 1, i.e. 40 or 55 like a DK.
I think this is very wrong as its part and parcel of the game. You start at level 1 to enjoy the story and learn how to play the class.
My problem: how can I as a player enjoy the game at level 60 if I cant even get the armor I want. My problem arose whilst in this flurry of excitment about grinding and raiding for my tier armors and after seeing the Tier 3 armor for level 60's on Wow-europe's website I though about getting those instead of the 1 and 2 sets (another rant, but ill keep that till last).
Searching google and wow head for info on this Tier 3 Frostfire armor for my mage I started reeading comments etc on this armor of how and where to find it. Comments dating back to 2006 shows that this armor rocks for a mage and you need this and that all the whilst my excitement was growing as this armor did not really need me to spend 2-4 hours getting a raid together for Oznia's Lair or Molten core and where to get the damn key.
After patch 3.? this armor set was kind of disabled, meaning quests and drops pertaining to this armor set was disabled and thus the armor set is still in the game, you just cant get it any more.
Now this is why im MOST pissed off and am actually taking the rest of the week off. How the hell can I enjoy a game which Im paying for if the stuff which makes me want to discover and explore every nook and cranny of it is disabled? Why must I go to the level 60 raids (25-40 man) if the gear I wanted is not there anymore, or if I need to spend 2-4 hours getting people together for raids which will net me worse gear?
And this is where my second gripe comes from, this is the reason I actually am getting the same ideas as 90% of newer WOW players out there.
WotLK gets released and NO one wants to do classic or BC anymore. Only level 70+ stuff matters and its a race to get there.
I cant even get a decent crew together for a 20 man raid in Classic or BC because people are too busy trying to hit the magical 70-80, so they actually skip entire chapters and areas of the game missing out on the magic which is WOW.
I now actually want to use the guide I posted a day or two back to go and QUICKLY level my 63 mage to 80, just so I can solo most places, so I can in fact experience some of the WOW areas I cannot right now.
The problem with Blizzard pushing all this new stuff and forcing people to push for the WotLK instances etc etc is that most players are newbies when they get there.
•Level 55 WArlock gets tired of warlock getting killed due to cloth armor etc etc. He rolls a new lvl55 DK....
•Firstly he doesnt know how to play a melee class and thus wipes the groups he plays with.
•70% of players rolling a DK in this fashion cant play the class effectively and thus RUINS the DK class reputation
•Levels as quick as possible to 80, meaning he has no understanding of real RAID and 10/25 man groups.
Where Classic and BC instances and raids are designed to teach players about specific situations, the players are now not learning that and thus these virgins walk into Ulduar and get not jsut their own but their RAID groups asses kicked as they cannot fill there role in the group.
An example is a raid in BC, where players gets a charge from a boss, either Negative or Positive.
If you get close to an opposed charged player you do damage (explode kind of).
Same type of raid in WotLK, but people never did this BC training and dont know what to do, so people keep wiping and poeple get pissed off, not wanting to play with DK's and level 74 and lowers etc etc.
Good bye for the rest of the week!