Thursday, April 9, 2009

A little test: A tale of 1000G.

Discussing gold with a friend in a group last night I found out that level 21's normally have approx 10G at that level from playing the game, not playing the market so I realized that with 140+G sitting in my pocket (now spent) and more in the AH that I was playing the markets right and thus wanted to do an experiment.

Now I know this is not a unique thing as its being done by Skrooge at his blog.

What I propose doing is seeing how fast I can now reach 1000G. Now please keep in mind I only have +- 1G 50S in my bag right now and about 40G in the AH.
So I will wait for the money to come in form AH and then start using the AH and making gold by any means possible, thus I will sell rare vendor items and look for cheap deals on the AH.

Soon as the money is in from the AH I will start this blog entry in more detail.

On a lighter note (but something beneficial to my WOW gold collecting effort, is that it is easter tomorrow and I have taken some well deserved leave as well. So I have ten days of late WOW playing and daily house cleaning and gardening... but most importantly, ten days of late WOW playing.

Happy Easter to everyone.

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