Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Darkmoon Faire Time (chance to make money)

Its that time of the month again...

Darkmoon Faire is in town (well not exactly), and as a new player with a hunger for gold I decided to visit the fabled area of cheap alcohol and rare items. Problem is the faire was in Mulgore this month and im alliance.

All I can say is that it was worth the trip.

Sitting in Stormwind without a quick way of getting to the faire in Mulgore I decided to hoof it and take any means of transport needed.
Luckily I traveled (took AGES) to Bootybay last sunday for the weekly Fishing competition which I was to low level for (dont ask) and thus had a flight point already there.

The trip was as follows:
  1. Fly - Stormwind -> Booty Bay
  2. Ship - Booty Bay -> Ratchet
  3. Run - Ratchet -> Mulgore
First time I went, I did not know what to expect and which things I would be able to buy there.
Sorry for me....

If you get the chance to go to the faire, do it but WARNING make sure you clear out your bags beforehand as being far form a home town means no postbox, no bank and not alt to give stuff to and make sure you take as much money as possible.

Arriving you will meet an asortment of characters but the two you really want to talk to are:
Lhara (exotic goods vendor)
Flik (frog vendor)

Lhara has many goods ranging from mats like herbs and leather to items like Darkmoon Ring.
She also has a roughly 10-20 minute respawn on most things she sells and if you use Auctioneer you will see that most of the items are cheap in comparison to their AH prices. An example would be Ancient Lichen which you can buy for a few silver but sell on most auction houses for gold pieces. So stay for a whilst and stock up on mats and items. Just watch out for items which you buy for 20Silver when they only fetch 21-28 silver on AH, thats just not worth the visit.

Flik, now he is a whily one. Running almost non stop you have to catch him when the frog he is chasing stops and believe me you have to do business fast as he bolts off after the frog in a few seconds, so right click and buy ASAP.
He only has three items he sells namely:
  • Heavy Leather Ball
  • Tree Frog Box
  • Wood Frog Box
Now if you are a collecter like me, then buy yourself the two frogs asap and use them for yourself. If you just want to make money then buy a few Tree Frog Box's at 1G each and sell for approx 5-6G on AH. Flik randomly has the Wood Frog Box in stock and has only 1 available at that time, so getting two can be tricky and time consuming but its worth the wait as I just listed under AH value at 10-20G for a 1G dealer cost item. Keep in mind the Wood Frog is a rare pet and will be good value all year round.

Now to the hidden stuff:
Go to the AH and search for Dark Iron Ale Mug and buy 2 units. Then go to the faire and look for Morja. Use the Dark Iron Ale and place it at her feet, you will see Jubjub (her pet frog) coming to her (this takes a minute or two), you will then be able to talk to her (blue Question Mark) where she will ask you for another Dark Iron Ale (glad you bought two), once you give that to her she will give you a Egg which will hatch in 7 days and you will be the proud owner of your own JubJub Frog.

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